The evil people in the R season -- the Black Moon family -- kidnap her and exploit her childlike insecurity, turning her upward-facing crescent into the down-facing black moon and pushing her body well past puberty. Actually, the exaggeration in that sequence is edited some in the NA (North American) version. This is the only time that the Chibiusa persona is actually kind of cool. As Black Lady, she's really powerful, and we get some great Usagi "I won't attack Chibiusa" scenes. In the end, though, they're all able to convince her that she's loved and no one will abandon her after all, so she turns back and we see, for the first time, her Moon Princess manifestation, in a dress almost identical to Usagi's, except, of course, this time around Usagi becomes Neo Queen Serenity for the fight (wouldn't it be embarrassing for them to accidentally wear the same outfit on the same day? how horrifying!). The song played in the NA version is actually decent (though it was absolutely stupid of them to throw out 'Moon Revenge' for it in the "R" movie), but it doesn't compare to 'La Soldier,' which was the song that played in the original version. After that, she goes back to the 30th century for a touching reunion with her mother and Endymion, with his poofy pastel purple pants (i didn't plan the alliteration). Hurrah! She's gone!! End of story!
Apparently Naoko Takeuchi didn't think we'd had enough of Chibiusa yet, and wrote an ENTIRE DAMN SERIES focused around her, called "SuperS." It's important to note that the SuperS TV series didn't get very good ratings. Since I haven't watched it, subbed or dubbed, and don't plan to, I can only tell you a little bit about it. I know it has the most ANTICLIMACTIC ending ever created (i mean come on! not even a special song or anything!). Chibimoon, Moon, and the Inner senshi get their 'super' power-ups. The animation's BAD. Really bad. Supposedly the Amazoness Quartet are supposed to be Chibiusa's protectors in the future, but I don't know if that's mentioned in the anime or not. Next season! In the "SailorStars" season, we finally see the end of her! First she dies (kind of. yay!) because of Neherenia, who has been revived by...someone. Then, after Neherenia's been taken care of (AGAIN -- though those first 6 eps are really beautiful), she reappears, but goes away!! Back to hell, where she belongs? No, just -- oh Lord, I just realized what I was going to say -- "back to the future." Maybe THAT'S what makes "Stars" the best season... no, I don't think so. But it helps! |
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